Comments on Reforms to Regulatory Cost-Benefit Analysis
July 5, 2023
The Biden administration released a set of reforms on April 6, 2023, to modernize the regulatory review process and make it work more effectively in the public interest. One of the reforms, a proposed update to Circular A-4 on “Regulatory Analysis,” would improve regulatory cost-benefit analysis. Cost-benefit analysis is an outdated and anti-regulatory economic exercise that puts too much weight on the calculable costs of regulating versus the benefits of regulating that you can’t put a price on (i.e., human dignity and life, welfare, a better environment, clean air, and clean water). The Biden administration recognizes this, and the proposed update to Circular A-4 would make cost-benefit analysis work in the public interest.
Comments from CSS Members
Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Coalition for Sensible Safeguards
Consumer Federation of America
National Employment Law Project
National Partnership for Women & Families
Service Employees International Union