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The Coalition for Sensible Safeguards is led by a variety of issue experts, who are available to discuss the crucial need for public protections and the unconscionable efforts to delay and block vital standards and safeguards. If you would like to speak with one of our experts, please contact David Rosen at or reach out to the press office at the appropriate organization.


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Coalition Leadership

  • Rachel Weintraub, Coalition for Sensible Safeguards
    Expertise: regulatory process and legislation, consumer product safety
  • Robert Weissman, Public Citizen (co-chair)
    Expertise: regulatory process and legislation, financial safeguards, big tech, global trade
  • Susan Weinstock, Consumer Federation of America (co-chair)
    Expertise: financial safeguards
  • Lisa Gilbert, Public Citizen (co-chair)
    Expertise: regulatory process and legislation, appropriations riders, big tech, financial safeguards
  • James Goodwin, Center for Progressive Reform
    Expertise: regulatory process and legislation, environment
  • Michell McIntyre, Union of Concerned Scientists
    Expertise: regulatory process and legislation, scientific integrity, environment
  • Bitsy Skerry, Public Citizen
    Expertise: regulatory process and legislation
  • Rebecca Reindel, AFL-CIO
    Expertise: worker protections


Additional Experts

  • David Arkush, Public Citizen
    Expertise: climate
  • Catherine Chase, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
    Expertise: transportation safety
  • Jeffrey Chester, Center for Digital Democracy
    Expertise: technology, digital privacy
  • Daniel Costa, Economic Policy Institute
    Expertise: immigration, wages, worker protections, farmworkers
  • Lisa Donner, Americans for Financial Reform
    Expertise: financial safeguards
  • Carolyn Fast, The Century Foundations
    Expertise: education consumer protection
  • Rachel Gittleman, Consumer Federation of America
    Expertise: financial safeguards
  • Brielle Green, Earthjustice
    Expertise: environment, regulatory process and legislation
  • Thomas Gremillion, Consumer Federation of America
    Expertise: food safety
  • Micah Hauptman, Consumer Federation of America
    Expertise: financial safeguards
  • Craig Holman, Public Citizen
    Expertise: campaign finance, ethics, lobbying
  • Frank Knapp, American Sustainable Business Network
    Expertise: small businesses, entrepreneurs, innovation
  • David Levine, American Sustainable Business Network
    Expertise: small businesses, entrepreneurs, innovation
  • Mike Litt, U.S. PIRG
    Expertise: consumer financial protection, digital privacy
  • Celine McNicholas, Economic Policy Institute
    Expertise: economy, jobs, wages, worker protections
  • Ed Mierzwinski, U.S. PIRG
    Expertise: consumer protection
  • Kyle K. Moore, Economic Policy Institute
    Expertise: public health, economy, jobs, wages, racial economic disparities
  • Bart Naylor, Public Citizen
    Expertise: financial safeguards
  • Heidi Shierholz, Economic Policy Institute
    Expertise: jobs, economy, wages, worker protections, regulatory impact analysis, regulatory process
  • Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen
    Expertise: energy
  • Melinda St. Louis, Public Citizen
    Expertise: global trade
  • Kyra Taylor, National Consumer Law Center
    Expertise: student loans
  • Valerie Wilson, Economic Policy Institute
    Expertise: economy, jobs, wages, worker protections, racial economic disparities
  • Erin Witte, Consumer Federation of America
    Expertise: consumer protection, auto finance
  • Allison Zieve, Public Citizen
    Expertise: law and litigation